T. Pronold (2nd from right), Product Management Usability Engineering, and S. Schmidt (2nd from left), Automation System Architecture, accepted the award on behalf of the development team. Source: Vogel Media
16 January 2015

Winner of the automation app award

In late November, at the sps ipc drives 2014 trade fair in Nuremberg, the trade medium “elektrotechnik” chose for the third time the best corporate apps in the field of automation. For the first time, the “automation app award” was presented in four categories: corporate, catalogue, engineering and production.

In the “production” category, the “Mobile Line Assistant” app from Krones AG came out the unequivocal winner. In the laudation for the winner, it was emphasised that the jury had seldom been so unanimous as with the “Mobile Line Assistant” app from Krones. The operator gets his malfunction messages as a tailored selection precisely matched to his actual needs. Nor does the logic leave him alone with this problem; it gives him proactively relevant contents for solving it. For the operators, this means authentic added value for the workforce”.

The apps were rated against the criteria of benefits, usability, and the originality of the idea. Besides the verdict of the five-strong jury, online voting at elektrotechnik.de and user ratings in the app store also played a significant role.

The app from Krones supports the line’s personnel in performing their daily remits at bottling or canning plants. Thanks to a clear informational structure, all the activities involved are promptly presented in an easy-read overview. Rigorous reduction to relevant contents, plus a clear, state-of-the-art design language on the level of the user interface, help the operators to identify problems swiftly even in stressful situations.

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