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25 November 2022

15th Trends in Brewing: Call for abstracts

CfA | The 15th edition of the International Malting and Brewing Symposium ‘Trends in Brewing’, will take place from April 2 to April 6 2023 at the KU Leuven, Campus Ghent, situated near the renowned historical city centre of Ghent in Belgium.

The world as we knew underwent dramatic changes, with a pandemic and –especially in Europe – with the ongoing war in Ukraine. Additionally, the recent scarcity of energy, water, grains and various utilities and process aids is unprecedented for the brewing industry. Therefore, “Brewing in a challenging world – Producing quality and affordable beers in a world with scarcity” was selected as the central theme of the 15th Trends in Brewing. The major topics comprising these challenges are both analytical and process-based: breeding in brewing, hops, alternative sources of extract and emerging grains, useful microorganisms in malting and fermentation technology, NABLAB’s, innovative processing in malting, brewing, and packaging, energy savings, valorisation of by-products.

The call for abstracts is open and submissions can be done via More details regarding topics are listed there. Deadline is December 10, 2022. Sponsors and participants of the technical exhibition can contact the chairman Gert De Rouck under for sponsor details.

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