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05 August 2021

10th International Gruitday 2022

Long tradition | The International Gruitday was founded by Steve Beauchesne from Beaus All Natural Brewing Company, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada, in 2013 to celebrate gruit, a beer with herbs instead or in addition to hops, according to medieval traditions and recipes. He established as his webpage to inform and to network about gruit beers. In 2018 more than 60 brewers from all continents took part in International Gruitday. Unfortunately colleagues in Canada stopped brewing gruit and also returned their domain.

But brewing engineer and German beer sommelier champion Dr. Markus Fohr from Lahnsteiner Brauerei at Lahnstein, Germany, thought International Gruitday was too young to die. Fohr has a penchant for special beers and has been brewing Grutbier in Lahnstein since 2014 – with much success, as various awards prove. At 27 January 2021 – just before the 9th International Gruitday on 1 February 2021 – he launched his new domain

Of course preparations for the International Gruitday 2021 were hampered by the pandemic and all festivals and tastings had to go ahead online only, but in May, fourteen breweries had already joined despite the situation. Gruit brewers the world over are invited to present themselves on the page. To participate just send an email to .

Plans for the 10th International Gruitday on 1 February 2022 include:

  • Presenting foodpairing with gruit beers created by wine and beer sommelier and cook Mario Kaps on facebook and internet. Everybody is invited to try it with gruit beers and food available at his place at International Gruitday 2022.
  • To support the idea of gruitday, the organisers ask all BRAUWELT readers to please invite journalists, bloggers, interested breweries, beer enthusiasts or anybody else interested in this topic to visit
  • Post any gruitbeer news at, like and share afterwards and invite your friends.
  • Maybe too early for 2022, but a future idea: International Gruitbeer Award, and brewing a beer together at every International Gruitday.

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