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BrauBeviale entrence 2019
23 July 2020

“Coronavirus-compatible” Special Edition

BrauBeviale 2020 | This year (almost) everything is different... On July 14th 2020 Andrea Kalrait, Executive Director of the BrauBeviale, and Heinz Prießmann, Executive Director of Logistics and Security Management for NürnbergMesse, spoke to the press via live stream about the “coronavirus-compatible” concept for the Special Edition of the BrauBeviale 2020.

The Bavarian State Government Gives the Green Light

First, it was all about the basics: “Trade fairs do not belong to the category of large-scale events because keeping one’s distance from others as part of the general rules of social distancing can indeed be observed. Furthermore, we know who the attendees are since they must complete a registration form for the event. For this reason, the Bavarian State Government gave us the green light for organizing trade fairs starting on September 1st 2020,” explained Prießmann.

Moderated by PR Manager Sabine Ziener (l.), Andrea Kalrait (m.) and Heinz Prießmann (r.) described the concept of the BrauBeviale 2020 trade fair in a live stream

“The BrauBeviale will take place because it can feasibly be done and because the industry wants it to happen,” emphasized Kalrait, referring to the numerous conversations she and her team have had with both attendees and exhibitors. “Of course, safety will be the top priority,” said Kalrait. She then went on to clarify the trade fair’s special concept for hygiene and safety.

Hygiene and Safety Concept

The three pillars upon which this concept is built are “spacious planning” of the halls in order to take into account the current rules for social distancing. Secondly, traceability of all contacts will be carried out through advanced digital registration and recording at the stands. And finally, numerous options for “professional hand washing” or disinfection will be available.

At a number of points over the trade fair grounds, there will be areas dedicated to hand hygiene so that it is not necessary to find a restroom simply to disinfect one’s hands. In the restrooms, all air dryers have been replaced with paper towel dispensers. Anyone who has had contact with a person infected with Covid-19 in the 14 days prior to the trade fair will not be allowed on the grounds of the exhibition center.

“At the medical station, a highly effective team of doctors and interpreters will be on site, and there will also be ample personal protective equipment and a detailed crisis plan, so in an emergency, you’re in good hands with us,” underscored Prießmann.

Visitors will be reminded of the rules for social distancing and hygiene on information boards and displays at the trade fair, but when they register, they can access all of the information about these rules online. NürnbergMesse has also produced four podcasts explaining the various aspects of the concept behind this year’s BrauBeviale Special Edition:

Completely New Layout of the Halls

Everything regarding the layout of the halls was revised. The usual division of the halls will not happen this year, for instance, in Hall 1 where experience has shown people tend to “flock together into groups,” as Andrea Kalrait explained with a wink.

“Prepare yourselves well because none of the exhibitors will be in their usual places,” advises Kalrait. The hall layout will be completely different, and there will likewise be no thematic grouping of the exhibitors.

A spacious and colorfully chaotic hall plan with one-way aisles was created to comply with rules for social distancing

Those in charge of the trade fair decided to take this step in order to prevent the aforementioned flocking behavior. This facilitates social distancing, which will also be encouraged by the foot traffic only being allowed in a single direction. Waiting areas will be interspersed along the way to help avoid unnecessary contact. The event planners definitely want to be fair to everyone, which is why all exhibitors are being asked to move. The modifications to the layout are also a reaction to the significantly lower turnout expected by NürnbergMesse. “We are currently expecting around 300 exhibitors,” stated Kalrait, reiterating that the number of exhibitors that will attend the trade fair cannot yet be conclusively predicted.

What can be expected at a trade fair stand this year?

Masks are mandatory in the aisles; however, mouth and nose protection can be removed at the stands themselves, that is, if a distance of 1.50 m can be maintained and the visitor badge is scanned. “We want to express in advance that we appreciate your understanding for having to ask for your private contact details when registering for the trade fair. This will enable the public health authorities to respond quickly to any incidents,” said Prießmann. All attendees’ private contact details will be stored for four weeks, only for this purpose, and then deleted. They will not be shared with exhibitors.

“Unfortunately, stand parties will not be allowed this year. Nevertheless, serving and catering at the stand can still go on,” declared Kalrait. For those living in countries, in which the coronavirus situation is similar to that of Germany, the now familiar rules for gastronomy will provide guidance for the rules at the trade fair. This also applies to the Craft Drinks Area(s), which will be spread over several halls this year.

Furthermore, the BrauBeviale team wants to find solutions in dialogue with the exhibitors for a customized program and for catering at the stands. We, therefore, call on the exhibitors to address any questions they might have to the trade fair team.

The Supporting Program, and the European Beer Star

The BrauBeviale Forum, as it has been known in the past, will not take place in 2020. The supporting program for the dissemination of knowledge has by no means been abridged; rather, it has been expanded and been moved into the virtual world.

The triple trade fair motto of “Sustainability” seems more prescient than ever during the pandemic and is also reflected in the program. Kalrait added: “The entire concept of the forum program will be articulated and conveyed with the following question: ‘What does the industry need now?’”. There will be a diverse program of events on five stages that will take place live. The program will also be livestreamed.

“We are aware that not everyone who wants to come to Nuremberg can come. So, we want to ensure that all those who cannot attend the BrauBeviale can at least take a virtual seat at the beverage industry’s Stammtisch, ”expressed Kalrait. She recommended that everyone pencil in November 10th, 11th and 12th on their calendars as the dates for the BrauBeviale 2020.

A new dialogue platform will go online in autumn at, projecting the BrauBeviale into the virtual world. There, streaming content can be found, and chats will also be possible. Moreover, the world of the BrauBeviale trade fair will be accessible on the other 362 days of the year as well.

The European Beer Star, another highlight of the supporting program, will be held this year. Both the Consumers’ Favorite and the awards ceremony are planned. The registration data has been positive thus far; however, the 2020 competition not be quite as international compared to previous years.

That certainly applies to the number of visitors and exhibitors this year. The majority will come from the German-speaking countries of Europe (Germany, Austria and Switzerland). However, Kalrait mentioned that among the firm commitments received from exhibitors, some of the companies planning to attend are not based in those countries. The fact that travel is possible from a broader range of countries than had been assumed would be possible at Easter and that EU countries have agreed on uniform travel regulations has been seen as a favorable portent by the trade fair administrators. The BrauBeviale may be more international with regard to attendance than had been previously expected.

“Let’s do this!” urged Andrea Kalrait in closing, in her conversation with press representatives. However, she was also speaking to all attendees and exhibitors. “If you have the courage to come to Nuremberg this autumn – together, we will send a clear signal that the beverage industry is once again open for business!"

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