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07 February 2020

WBC 2020: Abstract submission now open!

Call for abstracts | Brewing professionals are invited to present their work at the World Brewing Congress 2020 (WBC 2020).

The WBC is a quadrennial gathering designed to strengthen the science and technology of brewing and to build a robust global brewing network.

The event is hosted by the American Society of Brewing Chemists and Master Brewers Association of the Americas, with active participation by Brewery Convention of Japan, European Brewery Convention, and Institute of Brewing and Distilling. WBC is held from 1 to 4 August 2020 at Minneapolis, USA.

Share your research: You’re working hard to make great beer, and there’s no better place to share your findings than World Brewing Congress 2020. Make an impression while advancing brewing science – submit your abstract today to present an oral talk or poster.

Meet your peers: WBC attendees represent all legs of the brewing process, from hop picking to packaging. Get in the middle of the action by presenting in the program. You can build connections to last a lifetime.

Don't miss your chance – the deadline to submit is 12 March 2020.

Submit your abstract here:

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