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The fair was well attended in 2019 (Photo: Fabrizio Petrangeli)
05 December 2019

Beer Attraction gives birth to Beer&Food Attraction

Beer Attraction has become Beer&Food Attraction. A decisive change, emphasized by the new payoff, “the eating out experience show”, which highlights the unique nature of an event able to combine the entire wealth of experiences of the eating “out” sector and increasingly attract trade members from the whole food service world.

The appointment with the 6th edition of the Italian Exhibition Group event is at Rimini Expo Centre from 15 to 18 February 2020.

reparations are already proceeding rapidly, as are the confirmations of the leading companies.

The core business that focuses on the universe of high-quality beers, from craft products – confirmed by the long-lasting and fruitful collaboration with Unionbirrai – to specialty beers, is deliberately expanded and now includes soft drinks and spirits.

Trade members and professionals will thus have a complete unique overview of the sector, ranging from the most complete national and international range of beers and beverages, to the world of food for Horeca: from regional specialities to the world of frozen produce, from the latest technologies in food delivery to furnishings and fitting for the coolest venues. In this context, the Italian Federation of Chefs will present an important novelty: a large event dedicated to street food, in which great chefs from all over Italy will be demonstrating their skills, since street food is becoming a must for the eating out world.

Simultaneous staging has been confirmed with BB Tech Expo, the professional exhibition of technologies for beers and beverages, and Italgrob’s International Horeca Meeting, dedicated to Italian food service.

Once again, all the product chain’s players will have the opportunity of expanding their business, updating and networking on the situation of a sector in which Italian-made products play a leading role.
The 2020 edition also exclusively addresses the product chain’s professionals and trade members, with only Saturday 15 February being open to the world of foodies and beer lovers. Find more information under

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