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15 March 2019

Meeting of the Scientific-Technical Commission, I.H.G.C.

The next meeting of the Scientific-Technical Commission of the International Hop Growers’ Convention, I.H.G.C. will be held from 7-11 July 2019 in the Conference Center ‘Le Bischenberg’ in Bischoffsheim, Alsace, France.

Please mind essential deadlines:

  • 31 March 2019: submission of presentations (lecture or poster), incl. English abstract (title and 100 - max. 200 words)
  • 15 April 2019: end of budget-priced early bird registration period
  • 03 June 2019: submission of manuscripts for STC Proceedings
  • 01 July 2019: end of regular registration period

Please register as soon as possible!

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